Questions 81-100

     81) Which of the below is not true about a requirements packages?
a. They can be presented only as models such as a process map, or captured on a whiteboard
b. They can be formally documented using a template or shown as a presentation
c. They can’t be used for early assessment of quality and planning
d. The primary goal of developing a requirements package is to convey information clearly and in an understandable fashion

82) You are a business analyst working on the requirements development process. Which of the below are examples of work products you might use?
a. Meeting agendas and minutes
b. Interview questions and notes
c. Work plan, status reports
d. Issues log

83) Which of the below are common types of requirements documents?
a. Product Roadmap
b. Software/System Requirements Specification
c. Supplementary Requirements Specification
d. Vision Document

84) You have discussed the possible solution for your next initiative with the solution team. They think that the solution can be obtained from an outside party. You can capture the requirements in the form of which of the following?
a. Request for Information (RFI)
b. Request for Quote (RFQ)
c. Request for Proposal (RFP)
d. Acceptance criteria
85) Which of the below is not true about Request for Information (RFI),  Request for Quote (RFQ), and Request for Proposal (RFP)?
a. An RFI is generally used when the issuing organization is open to a number of alternative solutions and is seeking information to evaluate    possible options
b. An RFQ or RFP is used when the issuing organization understands the nature of the solution options available to it and is seeking vendors who    can implement an option
c. An RFQ generally follows a more formal review and selection process than an RFP
d. If the solution team thinks that a potential solution is available from an outside party, the business analyst may capture the requirements    in the form of a Request for Information (RFI), Request for Quote (RFQ), or Request for Proposal (RFP)

86) Which of the below is/are inputs to ‘Communicate requirements’?
a. BA communication plan
b. Requirements
c. Requirements package
d. Communicated requirements

87) You are planning to present requirements to your audience. Which of the below can the presentation be used for?
a. To ensure that internal project quality standards have been adhered to
b. To obtain business acceptance and sign-off
c. To obtain delivery team sign-off
d. As a precursor to delivery

88) You are planning to present requirements to your audience. Which of the below can the presentation be used for?
a. To obtain testing team sign-off
b. To prioritize a set of requirements before proceeding to next project stage
c. To make decisions regarding solution scope
d. To ensure cross-functional fit with other business process areas within the same project

89) Which of the below could trigger the evaluation of a business need?
a. Customers complain about long wait times on support calls
b. A competitor has introduced a new product
c. A manager needs additional information to make sound decisions
d. Requirements gathered during elicitation need to be evaluated

90) A business need has been generated to fix a problem with the current state of the online order management process. This business need has been generated:
a. From top down
b. From bottom up
c. From middle management
d. From external drivers

91) Business objectives should be SMART. What does SMART stand for?
a. Specific, Meaningful, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bounded
b. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bounded
c. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Technical
d. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bounded

92) Which of the below is an input to ‘Assess capability gaps’?
a. Enterprise architecture
b. Organizational process assets
c. Required capabilities
d. Solution approach

93) Which of the below is an input to ‘Determine solution approach’?
a. Business need
b. Enterprise architecture
c. Solution performance assessment
d. Assess capability gaps

94) You have investigated several alternatives and now need to determine if you have enough alternatives. Which of the below can be used as indicators?
a. At least one of the alternative approaches is acceptable to key stakeholders
b. At least some of the approaches are distinctly different from one another
c. The effort to investigate alternatives is producing diminishing returns
d. All alternatives have been established

95) Your management has asked you to perform a feasibility study. Which of the following is true about feasibility study?
a. A feasibility study is a final analysis of solution alternatives or options to determine whether and how each option can provide an expected    business benefit to meet the business need
b. A feasibility study is a preliminary analysis of solution alternatives or options to determine whether and how each option can provide an    expected business benefit to meet the business need
c. A feasibility study is a preliminary analysis of solution alternatives or options to determine whether and how each option can provide an    expected business benefit to meet the IT need
d. A feasibility study is a preliminary analysis of solution alternatives or options to determine whether and how each option can provide an    actual business benefit to meet the business need

96) Which of the below is true about solution scope?
a. It is the input of ‘Define solution scope’ process
b. It cannot be changed once stakeholders have signed off
c. It can change throughout a project, based on changes in the business environment or as the project scope is changed to meet budget, time,    quality, or other constraints
d. Assessing organization readiness is not a task that uses solution scope

97) Which of the below is true about a problem statement?
a. It describes the problem
b. Mentions the stakeholders affected by the problem
c. Specifies the impact of the problem on each stakeholder
d. Lists some key benefits of a successful solution

98) Which of the below are considered costs associated with any solution?
a. Costs of developing and implementing the change
b. Opportunity costs of not investing in other options
c. Costs related to changing the work and practices of the organization
d. Total cost of ownership to support the new solution and consequential costs borne by others

99) You are working on risk assessment. Which of the below is not a valid example of risks to be considered?
a. Whether the chosen technology and suppliers can deliver the required functionality
b. Whether costs may exceed levels that make the solution viable
c. Whether potential benefits may disappear
d. Whether the organization will make the changes necessary to benefit from the new solution

100) Which of the below is not an input to ‘Prioritize requirements?
a. Requirements management plan
b. Stakeholder list, roles, and responsibilities
c. Business case
d. Business need

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