Questions 101-120

    101) You are prioritizing requirements and ensuring that the easiest requirements are implemented first. Which of the below criteria are you using?
a. Implementation Difficulty
b. Technical Risk
c. Likelihood of Success
d. Urgency

102) For your project, you have decided to implement requirements based on what a fixed deadline will allow. Scope can change but deadline can’t. This is called:

a. Timeboxing
b. Prioritizing
c. Waterfall method
d. Selective implementation

103) Which of the below is not an input to ‘Organize requirements’?

a. Organizational process assets
b. Requirements
c. Solution scope
d. Requirements structure

104) What are specifications and models useful for?

a. Analyzing the functioning of an organization and providing insight into opportunities for improvement
b. Supporting development and implementation of solutions
c. Ensuring compliance with contracts and regulations
d. Supporting training activities and knowledge management

105) Which of the below is not true about ‘Specify and Model Requirements’?

a. Requirements[Stated] is an input
b. Stakeholder or solution requirements is an output
c. Some tasks that use the output of ‘Specify and Model Requirements’ are ‘Prioritize requirements’ and ‘Verify requirements’
d. Requirements structure is an output

106) You are helping your fellow business analyst write textual requirements. Which of the below would be tips you would give him?

a. Assume your reader has domain knowledge
b. Express multiple requirements at a time
c. Use terminology familiar to the stakeholders who must review or use the requirement
d. Include complex conditional clauses

107) Your friend, a business analyst tells you about his current project and mentions assumptions made. Which of the following best describes an assumption?

a. Assumptions are factors that are believed to be true, but have not been confirmed
b. Assumptions are factors that are believed to be true, and have been confirmed
c. Assumptions are factors that may not be true, and have been confirmed
d. Assumptions may affect all aspects of the project and pose a certain degree of risk if they do not prove to be false

108) You review your peer (business analyst’s) requirements and feel that they are lacking some desirable qualities. Which of the below are desirable qualities of requirements?

a. Unambiguous
b. Testable
c. Feasible
d. Modifiable

109) You review your peer (business analyst’s) requirements and felt that some requirements were unclear and contradicted each other. Which of the below desirable qualities of requirements are missing?

a. Unambiguous
b. Consistent
c. Complete
d. Modifiable

110) You validate requirements and find out that one of the valid requirements does not trace back to the business case of improving customer experience. What should be done with the requirement?

a. It should be discussed with the delivery team to see if they can implement it
b. It should be defined and approved in a separate business case or considered for removal from the solution scope
c. It should be referred to change management for prioritization and budgeting
d. It should be referred to stakeholders for approval

111) Which of the below is/are needed to write solution scope?

a. Work breakdown structure
b. Solution definition
c. Dependencies
d. Implementation approach

112) You have too many requirements to be implemented within the deadline and you have to prioritize the requirements. But your stakeholders fail to recognize the necessity for making tradeoffs. This is an example of:

a. Non-negotiable demand
b. Business constraint
c. Communication issues with stakeholders
d. Change management

113) Which of the below are examples of business constraints?

a. Budgetary restrictions
b. Limits on the number of resources available
c. Restrictions based on the skills of the project team and the stakeholders
d. Non-negotiable demands

114) Solution components could include which of the below?

a. Business policies and business rules
b. Business processes to be performed and managed
c. People who operate and maintain the solution, including their job functions and responsibilities
d. Software applications and application components used in the solution

115) You are assessing the effect a new automated ticket system on the organization and whether the organization is prepared for the change arising from the implementation. You are performing:

a. Organizational readiness assessment
b. Solution assessment
c. Organizational Business policy assessment
d. Application impact

116) Which of the below are inputs to ‘Assess Organizational Readiness’?

a. Enterprise architecture
b. Stakeholder concerns
c. BA communications plan
d. Requirements package

117) The total strength of forces opposing a change is determined to be less than the total strength of forces supporting a change. 
What should be the next step after this force field analysis is complete?

a. Look for ways to strengthen the forces that support the desired outcome or generate new forces
b. Identify the forces that support and oppose the proposed change
c. Estimating the strength of each force
d. Do nothing

118) Your organization is moving from an old reporting system to a new one. Which of the below is not true?

a. Transition requirements cannot be defined until a solution has been designed
b. They remain relevant only during the transition period between solutions
c. They cease to be relevant once the existing solution is eliminated
d. Transition requirements still need to be analyzed even when there’s no existing solution

119) Which of the below is not an output of ‘Validate Solution’?

a. Identified defects
b. Mitigating actions
c. Solution Validation assessment
d. Requirements [Prioritized and Validated]

120) The testing team has identified a defect in the solution. The scenario leading to the defect is an extremely rare one. The implementation team does not believe that it is possible to fix the defect. What are the options that you can investigate as a business analyst?

a. Consider additional quality control checks
b. Consider new manual processes
c. Consider removal of support for certain exception cases
d. Any other suitable measure

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