Questions 1-20

1) Which of the following does business analysis entail?
i.   Liaison among stakeholders
ii.  Recommend solutions to help organization achieve goals
iii. Understand the structure of the organization
iv.  Make hiring decisions to onboard staff

a. i
b. i, ii
c. i,ii, iii
d. i, ii, iii, iv
2) You are analyzing an area as part of your BA role. This area corresponds to the boundaries of the organization, key stakeholders outside those boundaries, and interactions with those stakeholders. What is the area you are analyzing called?
a. Organizational Unit
b. Repository
c. Domain
d. Product scope

3) As a business analyst for company A, you are recommending a set of changes to the current state of the organization. You believe that this will enable the organization to solve a problem that has risen due to a competitor. You are suggesting a:
a. Transition
b. Requirement
c. Solution
d. Project

4) Which of the following could be true of a solution?
a. It is a set of changes to the current state of an organization that enable that organization to meet a business need
b. It is a set of changes to the current state of an organization that enable that organization to solve a problem
c. It is a set of changes to the current state of an organization that enable that organization to take advantage of an opportunity
d. It is a set of changes to the current state of an organization that enable that organization to take on challenging projects

5) Which of the following is not true of a requirement?
a. It is a condition needed by a stakeholder to solve a problem
b. It is a capability needed by a stakeholder to achieve an objective
c. It is a description of the business processes currently in use in an organization
d. It is a must-have for any organization to function efficiently

6) You are classifying requirements gathered. Which of the below are valid classifications of requirements?
a. Business requirements
b. Stakeholder requirements
c. Solution requirements
d. Transition requirements

7) You are using enterprise analysis to define requirements. Which of the following types of requirements are you defining?
a. Business requirements
b. Stakeholder requirements
c. Solution requirements
d. Transition requirements

8) You have collected business requirements for your project. Which of the below would the requirements not describe?
a. The reasons why a project has been initiated
b. The objectives that the project will achieve
c. The metrics that will be used to measure its success
d. The needs of the stakeholders in the organization

9) You have collected requirements which are the needs of a class of stakeholders and have developed and defined them through requirements analysis. Which of the following requirements have you collected?
a. Business requirements
b. Stakeholder requirements
c. Solution requirements
d. Transition requirements

10) Requirements that describe the behavior and information the solution will manage are called:
a. Business requirements
b. Functional requirements
c. Solution requirements
d. Transition requirements

11) Non-functional requirements are also called:
a. Quality requirements.
b. Supplementary requirements
c. Stakeholder requirements
d. Transition requirements

12) You have documented as part of the requirements of a new web application that the web page should load within 3 seconds and that the website should be able to handle up to 100,000 users at the same time. These are examples of which class of requirements?
a. Business requirements
b. Functional requirements
c. Non-functional requirements
d. Transition requirements

13) Requirements that capture conditions that do not directly relate to the behavior or functionality of the solution, but rather describe environmental conditions under which the solution must remain effective or qualities that the systems must have are called:
a. Business requirements
b. Functional requirements
c. Non-functional requirements
d. Transition requirements

14) You have defined requirements through solution assessment and validation. Which requirements have you gathered?
a. Business requirements
b. Functional requirements
c. Non-functional requirements
d. Transition requirements

15) You are working on gathering requirements for a data conversion project from existing systems. The requirements describe capabilities that the solution must have in order to facilitate transition from the current state of the enterprise to a desired future state, but that will not be needed once that transition is complete. Which requirements are you collecting?
a. Business requirements
b. Functional requirements
c. Non-functional requirements
d. Transition requirements

16) Which of the following is true of inputs?
a. They can be explicitly generated outside the scope of business analysis
b. They can be generated by a business analysis task
c. They represent the information and preconditions necessary for a task to begin
d. They represent the processes being observed

17) You are the business analyst for a project. In addition to your role as BA, you have been asked to perform additional roles on the project. Which of the following are roles that are assigned to a business analyst?
a. Domain Subject Matter Expert
b. Implementation Subject Matter Expert
c. Project Manager
d. Tester

18) Which of the below are stakeholders?
a. System architect
b. Trainer
c. Usability professional
d. Business analyst

19) Which of the below are stakeholders?
a. Customer
b. Sponsor
c. Supplier
d. SOX auditor

20) Which of the below are stakeholders?
a. Customer
b. Domain subject matter expert
c. Implementation subject matter expert
d. Project manager

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